Foodies social potluck – 11 Nov 2023
Jade Sky hosted the first foodies potluck in Fully, Valais. It was a fun day! Beautiful enough to eat outside so we headed up to the Le Couvert de la châtaigneraie above Fully and set out our spread.
A perfect day. I was glad to get out of the rain in my region. As soon as I turned into the Valais corridor from Lac Leman, it was sunny the rest of the day. A welcome change.
After we ate, we packed up and went for a hike to discover the “smallest vineyard in the world” (A real place, above Saillon, Switzerland currently owned by the Dali Lama (three vines). I will have to research more of that story…later.
Following our trek, we took a leisurely stroll through the charming town of Saillon, immersing ourselves in its quaint charm. We concluded our day with a delightful pitstop at a local bistro, where the tempting aroma of the cuisine hinted at culinary delights we had to resist, having just enjoyed our potluck feast.

Thanks to Jade Sky for initiating the outing and for the candied chestnut desserts. Thanks to Mihaela Cosarca (who made the salmon/chevre quiche, but couldn’t come and enjoy with us). Thanks to Kirsten Esser for the potato-leek soup and for showing up!
Here are two recipes from our excursion. I hope you enjoy them.