2021 Foodies Advent Calendar
Advent calendars made with love and with some key Foodie collaborators (and local products). In essence, we’re making a real Foodie advent calendar: full of foodie surprises and goodies.
***SOLD OUT***
Well, it’s starting to be that time of year again. When we start thinking ahead to the holiday season. I know, it’s not even the end of October yet, but with the year we’ve had, and with supply chains slowed down, I thought about making advent calendars with some key Foodie collaborators (and local products). In essence, we’re going to make a real Foodie advent calendar: full of foodie surprises and goodies.
Last year, as a group, we made a digital advent calendar, made with love and excitement from foodies in our foodies group. We had recipes for mulled wine, and glübier, traditional Swedish meatballs, and even one for a boozy Christmas cake that you can make in an afternoon. We had coupons for cooking classes and virtual cook-alongs. And discounts to other Foodie members’ online shops: everything from spicy jam to spiced rhum. It was so fun to put together.
This year, I thought of something a bit more tangible. Along with foodie collaborators in Zurich, Geneva, Basel, Vaud, & Valais, we’re going to assemble goodie bags and make advent calendars along the lines of this image. Well. That’s the idea, anyways.

There will be sweet nuts, spicy nuts (sometimes sweet & spicy mixed together!), caramels, jams, chocolates, pralines, Christmas cookies, confectionaries, gourmet salts…. *I* am even going to add a 50 CHF gift certificate for the 2022 edition of Foodies Dinner in the Vineyards (more to come on that in the first week of November). It’s going to be a veritable goodie bag of foodie delights and experiences.
The details you should know:
We’re taking orders (in Switzerland only) up until 15 Nov 2021.
Delivery dates (depending on Canton) will be in the last week of November.
Some assembly required on your side. You may have to find a branch & the pine branches and tie the gifts to the branch. Everything else will come in the package.
We’re going to be as eco as we can be. 250g, sealed, bio goodie bags, unbleached string, natural deco I’ll gather myself in the woods of Bossonnens next to the famous ruins of the Bossonnens Chateau (where we will also have a unique dining experience next year with Bossonn’Art).
Shipping/delivery costs 10 CHF.
75 CHF (5 CHF goes towards a community fund. This fund is a bit ambiguous at the moment. But I want it to go towards benefiting members of our community either through creating great experiences or subsidizing foodie products).
Each calendar package comes with:
- 24 individual sachets filled with goodies (this was a challenge to find and stuff, believe me!)
- 14m of jute string
- Pine cone decorations
- Wire to hang the branch
Doesn’t that sound fun? And tasty? Order now!

2021 Foodies advent calendar
There will be sweet nuts, spicy nuts (sometimes sweet & spicy!) caramels, jams, chocolates, pralines, Christmas cookies, confectionaries… *I* am even going to add in a 50 CHF gift certificates for the 2022 edition of Foodies Dinner in the Vineyards. It will be a veritable goodie bag of foodie delights & experiences.